Welcome to Save My Loved One

Save My Loved One is here to help you find the support you need to Save Your Loved One from Opioid addiction.  Whether it is information on Opioid use and addiction, emotional support for the caregiver, or actual support while you are helping your love one.

SMLO is dedicated to fighting the Opioid Crisis by helping the people closest to it - friends and family of the addicted.


Watching a loved one in the grips of opioid addiction can be one of the most painful times of your life.  You question, why did this happen, how did this happen, what could I have done differently?  The feeling of hopelessness overwhelms you.  It may be affecting your life emotionally, financially, and causing problems with your friends and family.  That's why we are here.  To give you the needed information and support to get through this and help you help your loved one.

You need to hear more than: "cut them off", "they need to hit bottom",  and "let them help themselves".  If it were cancer or a car wreck, you'd get all the support in the world.  But since it is addiction it's hard to even start the conversation.  That's where we come in.    There can be a light at the end of the tunnel.


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